
EA:Ragnarök uses the NetEA rules, which can be found over at the NetEA Tournament Pack site. There are a number of rules in the NetEA Epic Game Rules that can be interpreted in more than one way. These are the interpretations, and in some cases house-rules, that we used when developing the EA:Ragnarök lists. We suggest you also use these when playing EA:Ragnarök lists and scenarios.

EA:Ragnarök rule interpretations & house-rules

Say it and its true

Effectively lots of things may move on a table. If a player is able to put a unit 6cm away from another unit, or 10cm into terrain, then saying they are doing so makes it so. This means if later a piece is budged say to cause intermingle, it won't be treated as such. - If you think it can't be done, advise your opponent when they 'say it'.

Scouting from behind

An issue that is explicitly unresolved in the core rules is the issue of units with the Scout special rule blocking formations from engaging in unfair ways. While 'just don't do it' resolves some situations, it does lead to a grey zone of play which is very problematic and leads to unnecessary arguments. To resolve this issue we suggest that units with Scout counts as having 5cm Zone of Control during enemy engage actions. The following exceptions apply:

Contacting more than one enemy unit during an engage

A gray zone in the rules is under what conditions a unit can touch more than one enemy unit when it engages. While units must move towards enemy units once they enter their zone of control is clear, but less clear is how creative with angling your models in the phase you can be. Our suggestion is to be liberal in interpreting this, and that engaging or counter charging units can always contact up to two enemy units if they have enough speed to do so, and there is enough physical space to fit.

When is a formation 'in a position to support'?

After an Engage has been resolved, formations on the losing side recieves a Blast Marker, but it is not entirely clear exactly at which point during the Engage that this is determined. Our suggestion is that formations with units that has rolled FF dice (or could have been allowed to roll FF dice if they had an FF value or had not been broken), are considered to have been in a position to support. This resolves the situation in which units from the enemy formation were within 15cm from a formation at the start of the Engage, but were eliminated before the supporting formation had a chance to support.

Resolving hits from Supporting attacks

In order to determine the direction and order of hits from supporting fire, such hits are resolved one supporting formation at a time, in any order that the controlling player wishes.

Preserve allocation order between normal and macro hits

Macro and standard hits are resolved in separate phases of shooting and assaults. We suggest you preserve the allocation order between the two phases. I.e. Imperial Guard with a Gorgon assault and receive 2 normal hits and 1 TK. The Gorgon and guardsmen are equally close to the enemy. If the Imperial Guard player choose to take the normal hits into the Gorgon, and it doesnt die, he must also take the TK into the Gorgon. Likewise if he take the regular hits into the guardsmen and they dont die the TK goes into the guardsmen. If the Guardsmen die from the normal hits the TK goes into the nearest surviving unit to the enemy.

Formations mixing BP and standard weapons

As far as we understand there are no rules defining how things work when a formation fires both BP and standard weapons. We suggest the following house-rule: A formation can chose to fire it's BP weapons before or after any non-BP weapons has been fired. This includes Macro and Titan Killer BP weapons (an exception to the macro-always-goes-last rule). Resolve the BP shooting as a separate phase i.e. allocate and resolve hits from the BP weapon before moving on to ordinary weapons. Hits from ordinary weapons should be allocated front-to-back, as usual. This means that units that were hit by the BP weapon and survived can be allocated a second hit from standard shooting.

Maximize the effect of special rules when shooting

There are cases where some of the weapons fired has special rules while others don't. It could be Tau Railgun Hammerheads (where some of the AT fire has Lance) or a Baneblade where one of the weapons has Ignore Cover. Hits are (as always) allocated from the front to the back but if it matters how the hits with special rules are allocated, if should be done to favor of the shooting formation. E.g. A Baneblade fires at orks, where three orks are in the open while the rest is in a house (4+ cover save). The Baneblade fires all its weapons into cover (to be able to hit all the Orks). It scores four AP hits without special rules and one with the ignore cover special rule. In this case the ignore cover hit should not be allocated to any of the three Orks hit in the open but to one of the two Orks in the house to maximize the effect of ignore cover. Another example would be the Hammerheads shooting at a Chaos Armoured Company of two Predators and two Land Raiders. The Hammerheads score one standard hit and two with lance. The Predators are in front of the Chaos formation and will take the two first hits. The remaining hit, allocated to the Land Raider, should be one of the two hits with lance.

Disembarking & embarking ground transports

When disembarking from a transport the disembarking unit should be placed within 5cm of the transport. Only a part of the model needs to be within 5cm of the transport vehicle, not the whole model. When embarking on a ground transport the transport needs to touch the unit it is picking up.

Disembarking & embarking air transports

When disembarking from an air transport the disembarking unit should be placed within 5cm (or 15cm if the unit has jump packs) of the transport. Only a part of the model needs to be within 5cm (or 15cm) of the transport vehicle, not the whole model. When an air transport lands to pick up a formation, all units within (any part of the model) 5cm of the transport can be picked up. The air transport can land on (barge) the units it is picking up. This way you don't have to prepare a free "landing zone" inside a large formation in order to get all units in the formation in range to be picked up. A formation may also move on to a landed air transport, in which case all units needs to touch the landed air transport in order to embark (no 5cm "pickup zone" in this case)

Barging with transport aircraft

The rules does not explicitly allow or disallow transport aircraft from barging, but does state that barging is made as part of movement. But as aircraft landing or taking off is not considered movement for Overwatch purposes, it seems most consistent to not allow transport aircraft to barge.

Broken air transports

In case an air transport breaks (without dying) it can choose to stay on the board and rally like any other ground unit or to make a disengagement move. The rules for what happens if it chooses to fly off is a bit vague. We suggest the following: As soon as the unit/formation takes of in order to fly out it once again counts as an aircraft, with a number of blast markers equal to the number it took to break the unit or formation. It can (like any other aircraft) pick up additional blastmarkes on the way out, if shot by enemy flak and/or if it exits from any table edge other than its own table edge. E.g. an Ork Landa is broken by shooting on the ground and choses to fly off in the end phase. Once airborn it will have 3 blast markers (one for each DC). It is also hit by enemy flak (without being wounded) on the way out, resulting in 4 BMs when trying to activate in the next turn.

Aircraft sniping

The rules does not restrict you from placing ground attacking aircrafts inside a formation or even on top of enemy units in order to allocate hits to chosen enemy characters or units. This feels a bit gamy, and we suggest the following house-rule: Aircrafts on a ground attack mission may not be placed within 5cm of an enemy unit in the formation it is targeting. The restriction is always 5cm even for units with the Scout special rule.

Jinking Aircraft with Reinforced Armor

The rules for how "jinking" interacts with Reinforced Armor is again vague. We suggest the aircraft will get a 4+ save, that can be re-rolled as specified by the Reinforced Armor special rule.

Orbital Bombardment extra templates

Extra templates from Orbital Bombardment must touch the first, plotted template, just as for normal BP type weapons.

Always roll for critical hits

Players must always roll for critical hits in any situation where the critical hit may affect units or formations around the war engine, even if the War Engine was reduced to 0 DC before crits have been rolled for.

Blocking Wraithgates and other portals

The rules for portals are not clear about what happens if the enemy blocks it, either by placing units on top of it or by placing it in their zone of control. We suggest that you can always enter play via the portal, but if it is in enemy zone of control you have to use an assault action to do so. Even if there are units physically blocking the portal you can place your units on the board, as close as possible to the portal. Normal charge move rules apply, i.e. a charging unit that enters a zone of control must move into base contact with the nearest enemy who's zone of control has been entered. Only once all zones of control covering the portal has ben neutralized (by placing a unit in base to base) can remaining units in the assaulting formation move in any direction they desire. Formations failing an activation roll to engage from within a blocked portal may not enter play and must use the hold action to remove blast markers.

Moving out of Wraithgates and other portals

Rules for how to enter play from a webway or other portal can be played in different ways. We suggest you start measuring the move from within the portal, i.e. the first 4cm of movement is used to get on to the board given a standard 4x1 infantry base. This means a formation with 15cm move advancing out of a portal would have to end their move with all parts of all units within 15cm of the portal.

Terrain height, skimmers & hills

Terrain and War Engines are "infinitely high" to ground units with regards to line of sight. No ground unit can see directly through a piece of terrain – unless they are in it. Popped up skimmers can see over terrain, but can only see units that are further away from the edge of the terrain piece than they are. Same rule as for popped up skimmers also apply for units on hills. Aircrafts can always see over all terrain. In addition, see the 'Terrain' section on this website.

Skimmers, terrain and movement

Skimmers only checks for dangerous and difficult terrain at the start and at the end of their total movement, unless otherwise stated by the player. Skimmers that ignore intervening terrain can obviously not claim cover from such terrain, and counts as being popped up for Overwatch purposes.